
Encouraging soil life all year round

Markus Meyer 

Encouraging soil life all year round - Soil shading - Balanced plant nutrition

Markus Meyer has been using AKRA products for 10 years now and is still a massive fan. He now uses the Karner fertilising system on his entire farm, including AKRA DGC as lime in the crop rotation, AKRA Kombi as soil and foliar fertiliser and N-bacteria as the best possible boost for his crops.

He has enjoyed the following successes:

On average, his winter barley (which is sown after wheat on fields in low mountainous areas with weathered red sandstone soil) yields were 96 dt and the moisture content was 13%, with 133 mm of rainfall (April-June). He certainly stayed under the recommendations of the German Fertiliser Ordinance by using a total of 140 kg N/ha in the form of Piamon S, 2 dt AKRA Kombi and the recommended bacteria and micronutrients mixtures.

Even with wheat, the results were clear to see: In the second half of August, the threshed rapeseed wheat harvest produced some impressive results with a sample size of 356, CP of 12.3% and a yield of 95 dt/ha with a fertiliser application of 150 kg N/ha. Beforehand, Meyer had treated the rapeseed stubble with 1 l AKRA Stroh R. + P + K and 3 l AKRA Sulpur+ to tackle verticillium and other soil-borne diseases. 

“With barley like this, today we are already where politicians want us to be tomorrow.”

More AKRA success stories

created on 02.11.2023
last updated on 26.03.2024