Reduce the amount of fertiliser used with AKRA
Farm: Konrad Lieboch
The farm shared the following information with us:
Total nitrogen incl. foliar fertiliser 50 kg/ha
- Seed treatment with AKRA Saat Power, fertilised with 250 kg/ha AKRA Kombi and AKRA DGC.
- 25 years of no PK fertilising!
- N spread 100 kg urea/ha = 46 kg N AKRA foliar fertiliser acc. to application advice maize
- Previous crop winter barley
Maize test harvest
On the 19th of October 2023, our field sales representative paid a visit to the Konrad family and carried out a maize test harvest. Despite the poor weather this year, the AKRA system users did not have any problems with their crops. 27 years using AKRA, 27 years of no mineral PK fertilising and today a total of just 70 kg N spread.
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