Agricultural fertiliser and crop residue treatment
AKRA WD can be used for the intelligent treatment of agriculture fertiliser, slurry, solid and liquid manure and crop residues with a system.

Agricultural fertiliser
- Optimal nutrient binding (e.g. ammonia, ...)
- Significantly fewer odours
- No suffocating of organisms living in the soil
- Significantly better air quality in barns = less susceptibility to coughing
- Dissolving of settlings and the floating layer
- Short mixing time with liquid slurry
- Prevention of leaf damage
- Grassland can be used for grazing 14 days after spreading
- Improved feed intake and utilisation in livestock
- Easy to use
Crop residue treatment
- Additive for effective straw rotting
Effect of AKRA WD
Agricultural manure
Alongside the liquification of the slurry (floating layer largely broken up) there is no longer any risk of chemical burns when applying to the crops (pay attention to wax layer). Soil life – especially earthworms – is no longer suffocated by the ammonia. Crop residue treatment Improves the effect of wetted sulphur and other AKRA products when used for straw rotting.

Applications and advice for the agricultural fertiliser
With pig or cattle slurry
Depending on the outside temperature, the slurry starts to form bubbles after around 1 – 3 weeks (fermentation).
With poultry slurry
For 15 m3: 20 l AKRA WD
Depending on the outside temperature, the slurry starts to form bubbles after around 1 – 3 weeks (fermentation).
With solid manure or for odour absorption (ammonia)
Spray every 2 days.
With liquid manure
For 100 m3: 20 l AKRA WD
Mix in at least 2 days before spreading.